McHenry County High School Seniors, apply for the Nancy Fike Scholarship

Historic Preservation Commission rebooted

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The McHenry County Board appointed on April 16 appointed five new commissioners to McHenry County HIstoric Preservation Commission. They are Melody Jacobson and Sarah Metivier Schadt of Woodstock, Susan Zeller and Derek Gablenz of Crystal Lake; and Alfonso Casal of Spring Grove.

• Melody Jacobson 11/26/2023
• Susan Zeller 11/26/2021
• Derek Gablenz 11/26/2022
• Sarah Metivier Schadt 11/26/2023
• Alfonso Casal 11/26/2023

Casal teaches courses in American history, world history and the humanities for Colorado Technical University. Schadt is a Realtor will Allodial Real Estate in Crystal Lake. Gablenz teaches U.S. history and global studies at Barrington High School. Zeller is a human resources business partner, supporting sales, with AT&T in Arlington Heights. Melody Jacobson is a project manager for W-T Group in Hoffman Estates. Her responsibilities included design, bidding, permitting and construction management.

Historic Preservation Commission's next scheduled meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, in Conference Room A of the McHenry County Government Annex Building, 667 Ware Road in Woodstock. The newcomers join commissioners Steve Greely and Gloria Mack.

A landmark application for Ford School in Lake in the Hills been languishing since 2017, the historic Cold Springs School in Bull Valley and Haligus School near Lakewood are for sale. They would benefit from protection during this transition period. Finally, McHenry County's Certified Local Government status – benefits of which include training opportunities and funding. The county’s Historic Preservation Commission was certified by the state and the National Park Service in 1993. That carries with it certain responsibilities: a historic preservation ordinance, an ongoing survey program that includes a viable landmark application process.

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