McHenry County High School Seniors, apply for the Nancy Fike Scholarship

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  • McHenry County Historical Society members on a cemetery tour

Join or Renew today!

Join the McHenry County Historical Society today and begin your support of history!  In addition to the knowledge that you are joining collective efforts to shape our county's future without forgetting its past, membership benefits include the following: Free admission to the Museum. Up to three complimentary research requests (copying and image fees still apply). Subscriptions to the monthly newsletter and The Tracer, a quarterly magazine. Reduced rates for special programming throughout the year.

Membership Levels & Benefits

Individual, Couple, Household, and Lifetime Memberships 

There are membership options ranging from $20 - $40

  • Free admission to the Museum
  • Up to 3 Complimentary Research Requests per year (copying & image fee still apply)
  • 4-Issue subscription to the McHenry County Historical Society's local history magazine, The Tracer, and our monthly e-newsletter to keep you abreast of upcoming events & information
  • Reduced rates for special programs
  • Access to the Time Travelers program, a reciprocal benefits membership network for historical museums, sites, and societies throughout the United States.

Membership FAQ 

What's changing about the McHenry County Historical Society & Museum membership levels? In June 2024, we streamlined renewing and purchasing memberships to make it more accessible and easy. All memberships are now one year in length. If you previously had a two-year membership and wish to renew, please choose the corresponding 1-year membership level.

How can I change to a different category? We believe in giving you the freedom to choose what suits you best. If you wish to upgrade or downgrade your membership, select the new category you choose when completing your next renewal and pay the difference. 

Do you offer discounted memberships? Yes, we offer discounts to Seniors (60+), students aged 5-18, and family memberships. 
Please email patrick@mchenrycountyhistoryorg with any further questions or if you need assistance.

I'm not receiving emails about my membership or news from the Museum. We send emails to all members who've provided their email addresses. If you are not receiving emails, you may have requested no emails, unsubscribed, or not supplied an email address. Always check your junk mail and add us to your safe senders list. To ensure you're subscribed to our emails, please email us at

If you are renewing your Individual or Household Membership, use this link:   

To review levels and pricing and start your new Individual or Household Membership, use this link: 

If you wish to join/renew by mail, Download. Print and mail our Membership Brochure.

Governmental Memberships

Membership fees vary depending on the type of governmental organization and its population, ranging from $250 to $1000 per year.

  • One calendar week per year of free museum admission for your residents.
  • Up to 3 complimentary staff research requests per year about your Municipality or Township (copying & image fee still apply)
  • 4-Issue subscription to the McHenry County Historical Society's local history magazine, The Tracer, and our monthly e-newsletter to keep you abreast of upcoming events & information - sent to the primary contact
  • Curated content for use in your resident newsletter, website, or social media channels to remind residents of events and programs

If you are starting or renewing your Governmental Membership, use this link:  

If you wish to join/renew by mail, Download, print, and mail a Governmental membership form

Organizational Memberships

  • 4-Issue subscription to the McHenry County Historical Society's local history magazine, The Tracer, and our monthly e-newsletter to keep you abreast of upcoming events & information - sent to the primary contact
  • Up to 3 complimentary staff research requests per year (copying & image fee still apply)
  • Private tour for your organization led by the Executive Director
  • Monthly meeting space for your organization, M-F 10 -4 pm, or Saturday 12 - 3 pm. Includes admission to the Museum

If you are starting or renewing your Organization Membership, use this link:  

If you wish to join/renew by mail, Download, print, and mail an Organizational membership form

Gift Memberships

There are membership options ranging from $20 - $40

Gift members enjoy the same benefits as individuals, couples, and household members. 

No matter whom you're shopping for, a McHenry County Historical Society gift membership will fit perfectly! Once we receive your completed Gift Membership form, we'll send your recipient a decorative membership packet with their membership card and a letter letting them know you've gifted them a membership to the McHenry County Historical Society.

If you wish to purchase a gift membership, Download, Print, and Mail the Gift Membership brochure.