McHenry County High School Seniors, apply for the Nancy Fike Scholarship

County preservartion commission seeks applicants

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The McHenry County Board is accepting applications from individuals interested in appointment to the McHENRY COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION.  One position is available for an appointment term expiring on November 26, 2020.  Attorneys, architects, engineers, real estate professionals with knowledge of historic preservation, and individuals with a demonstrated interest in pre-history, history or architecture are encouraged to apply.  A completed application, along with a resume, should be returned to the County Board office. 
Download the Appointment Application (PDF) here.
• If mailing your application, certified or registered mail is recommended.  Mailed applications should be sent to the following address:  McHenry County Board, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, IL  60098.
• You may also email your completed application and resume to: .
• Or you may fax your completed application and resume to:  815-338-3991.





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